- obsidian.nvimではリンク先ファイルの補完にnvim-cmpを利用する
- (それ以外の保管ソースは用意されてなさそう)
- blink.nvimでは、
return {
version = false,
dependencies = {
{ 'rafamadriz/friendly-snippets' },
{ "saghen/blink.compat", lazy = true, version = false },
{ "" },
---@module 'blink.cmp'
---@type blink.cmp.Config
opts = {
-- 'default' for mappings similar to built-in completion
-- 'super-tab' for mappings similar to vscode (tab to accept, arrow keys to navigate)
-- 'enter' for mappings similar to 'super-tab' but with 'enter' to accept
-- See the full "keymap" documentation for information on defining your own keymap.
keymap = { preset = 'super-tab' },
completion = { list = { selection = { preselect = false, auto_insert = false } } },
appearance = {
-- Sets the fallback highlight groups to nvim-cmp's highlight groups
-- Useful for when your theme doesn't support blink.cmp
-- Will be removed in a future release
use_nvim_cmp_as_default = true,
-- Set to 'mono' for 'Nerd Font Mono' or 'normal' for 'Nerd Font'
-- Adjusts spacing to ensure icons are aligned
nerd_font_variant = 'mono'
-- Default list of enabled providers defined so that you can extend it
-- elsewhere in your config, without redefining it, due to `opts_extend`
sources = {
default = { "obsidian", "obsidian_new", "obsidian_tags", "lsp", "path", "snippets", "buffer" },
providers = {
obsidian = {
name = "obsidian",
module = "blink.compat.source",
obsidian_new = {
name = "obsidian_new",
module = "blink.compat.source",
obsidian_tags = {
name = "obsidian_tags",
module = "blink.compat.source",
opts_extend = { "sources.default" }